I’m still working my way through my list of over 100 life goals but Goal #111 (to complete 145 Northern California hikes) is going a little slow. I took a bit of a break due to having to prioritize my time in other ways. However, I’ve started doing them again so I wanted to catch you all up.
I recently did an 8.4-mile hike at China Camp State Park, which is on the north/west side of the San Francisco Bay. This hike offers some great views of the bay and since it’s not super remote I still had cell service. I know, I know that seems a little counter intuitive to the whole get out in nature theme of hiking. But with a pandemic going on and having to work from home I realized that “working from home” really could mean “working from anywhere”. So why not the trail? If it’s a day where I have meetings/telecons for most of the day, why not call in while I’m stretching my legs?
I’ve done two more hikes since my last post, which means I’m completing these at a rate of approximately 1 per year. With 103 more to go I might need to pick up the pace just a bit.