Book Review: Jamaica Inn – Daphne du Maurier

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Good Read Synopsis:

The coachman tried to warn her away from the ruined, forbidding place on the rainswept Cornish coast. But young Mary Yellan chose instead to honor her mother's dying request that she join her frightened Aunt Patience and huge, hulking Uncle Joss Merlyn at Jamaica Inn. From her first glimpse on that raw November eve, she could sense the inn's dark power. But never did Mary dream that she would become hopelessly ensnared in the vile, villainous schemes being hatched within its crumbling walls -- or that a handsome, mysterious stranger would so incite her passions ... tempting her to love a man whom she dares not trust. 


This was a fascinating book. For one, I wasn’t expecting the somewhat old-fashioned writing style but thought it really added to the mood of the story. Also, wasn’t expecting how matter of fact Mary was about relations between a man and a woman.  I particularly wasn't expecting this attitude from a romance novel that was supposed to take place in the time of horse and buggy. True, she grew up on a farm but it still seems a bit liberal for that time period. I did really like how honest she was about what motivated her to hang out with Jem. Even though she thought he was bad news, she didn’t make excuses for her behavior, just simply acknowledged that she like him and moved forward.

The reveal of the nature and the brutality of the crimes being committed was cause for reflection about how life was once. Even in places that were thought to be more civilized, life was still precarious. I do think Mary should have been a bit more concerned for her own welfare being isolated with her uncle and the type of company he kept. I feel like as a woman she would have felt a little more vulnerable.

The story was entertaining, the characters very well developed, and (even though mildly predictable at times) the plot was engaging. Netflix has released a movie based on one of du Maurier’s other books ‘Rebecca’. I’m going to have to exhibit some self-control and try to hold off watching it until I can read the book first. We’ll see how that goes!